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ICE arrests and seeks deportation of thousands in nationwide raid

Operation “Cross Check” netted 2,400 arrests last month in a nationwide raid. The operation focused on those with outstanding deportation orders, those who had previously been deported and then returned, and those with past criminal convictions. This story underscores the importance of non-U.S. citizens, even greencard holders, in obtaining immigration assistance before entering a plea to any criminal charge. Even the most minor criminal conviction could be the basis for deportation for a lawful permanent resident. Lawful permanent residents often call our office after entering a plea of guilty to a criminal case and tell us that they believed that the conviction or withhold of conviction would not affect their immigration status only later to be served with a notice to appear charging them with removability. Many have been counseled by their criminal lawyers that there would be no negative immigration consequences. The law is extremely convoluted and complex relating to when and what criminal convictions will lead to removal of non-U.S. citizens. Read more about the raid here.

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